Monday, October 10, 2011

Journal #1

  1. My son
  2. My husband
  3. My family
  4. Friends
  5. God/Going to church
  6. Life
  7. Spending time with loved ones
  8. Making people I love  happy
  9. Husband not being deployed
  10. memories
  11. Birthdays
  12. Health
  13. School
  14. Finishing a semester
  15. Holidays
  16. Technology
  17. Helping someone in need
  18. Seeing a new day
  19. Waking up next to my husband
  20. Home-cooked meals
  21. Sushi
  22. Hawaiian Pizza
  23. Having a car
  24. Watching movies
  25. YumYum Donuts
  26. A clean house
  27. Going shopping
  28. Laughing
  29. Making people laugh
  30. Zumba
  31. Swimming
  32. Step Aerobics
  33. Spanish Literature
  34. Good poems
  35. Cooking
  36. Playing Wii
  37. A new year
  38. Christmas
  39. Learning new things
  40. Teaching others new things
  41. Going to the beach
  42. Music
  43. Going to concerts
  44. Going clubbing
  45. Traveling
  46. Vacations
  47. Being Lazy on Sundays
  48. Not doing homework on a Saturday night
  49. Being able to afford things
  50. Sunny days
  51. Cuddling
  52. Dancing
  53. Parties
  54. Getting pedicures and manicures
  55. Going to a spa
  56. Getting flowers
  57. Getting gifts
  58. Not feeling overwhelmed
  59. Being relaxed
  60. Making new friends
  61. Husband getting home early from work
  62. Being spoiled
  63. Breakfast in bed
  64. Kisses
  65. Feeling loved
  66. Having private time with husband
  67. Sleeping
  68. Taking long baths
  69. Hugs
  70. Honesty
  71. Fairs
  72. Surprises
  73. Going to the park
  74. Hiking
  75. Singing in the shower
  76. Getting good grades
  77. Making a difference in someones life
  78. kids
  79. Peace
  80. Not gaining weight
  81. Feeling confident
  82. Being a good role model
  83. Going to Disneyland
  84. Going to the zoo
  85. Watching TV
  86. Reading a good book
  87. Going to sleep after a long day
  88. Passing exams
  89. Getting things for free
  90. Sales at the store
  91. Rainbows
  92. Bunnies
  93. Going on walks
  94. Air conditioner
  95. Nature
  96. Security
  97. pictures
  98. living in California
  99. Being Mexican
  100. karma

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